Text by Gianni Garrera
Music flourishes more when it imitates the sounds of a catastrophe, especially if it gives the frightening pleasure of shots and blows. The acoustic expectation of an explosion is astonishing, due to the beauty lying in the roar’s phantom. The excess of sound as well as shocking should also harm in order to be even more spectacular. Experiencing such a deafening sound it is impossible to win the resistance to smile. The musical representation of destruction contains the same dizziness of a triumph. We therefore understand how catastrophic is the assumption of any fest sound. In music however nothing can be so excessive to destroy everything with its excessiveness: it’s just playing a dynamiter game, just making bau boom. If someone listens to fireworks for the love of exhibition, it’s not just cupidity of noise: it’s cupidity of pandemonium. It’s aspiring to the exorbitant beauty of breaking through sky and earth, because the threat to destroy the world belongs to beauty.